"One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight, for a very long time, of the shore." André Gide

I feel that creating art is almost always about learning, whether it be about yourself, the materials or an idea. In classes, students direct what they'd like to explore and I help facilitate that exploration with suggestions and materials.

My Services

My Classes

At present I teach both adult and kids classes during the school term. Holiday programs and workshops are also provided for kids. All the sessions are small, between 2 to 8 students and run approximately 2hrs. At present limited spaces are available in the Adults Tuesday 9:30am class and the Kids Wednesday 3:15pm class. Most sessions are taught in the studio, but in special circumstances I can travel to the student's location.

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Art Work

I have a large collection of work completed or in progress if you are looking for something original. I also do commissions or special projects in between doing art for exhibitions so if you have something particular in mind feel free to contact me.

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After working some years for Copytalk, AntsPants and Graphic Ark as a graphic designer, I now do intermittent work as a freelance designer and illlustrator.

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Phone: 0402050991
Address: 9 Guyong St, Lindfield NSW, 2070